How to install OpenShift

A Beginner’s Guide on How to Install OpenShift: Getting Your Platform Up and Running

OpenShift, a powerful containerization and orchestration platform, is your gateway to streamlined application development and deployment. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to install OpenShift and set up your own development environment.

Step 1: Choose Your Installation Method

OpenShift offers various installation methods, including OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) and OpenShift Origin. Depending on your needs, you can opt for a full-featured production environment with OCP or a more lightweight installation with Origin.

Step 2: Prerequisites

Before you start to install openshift, make sure your system meets the hardware and software requirements outlined in the official OpenShift documentation. This includes having compatible operating systems, sufficient RAM, and available storage space.

Step 3: Install Required Dependencies

OpenShift installation may require certain dependencies, such as Docker, Kubernetes tools, and network configuration. Ensure these are installed and properly configured on your system.

Step 4: Download OpenShift Installer

Download the OpenShift installer appropriate for your installation method and version. You can obtain it from the official OpenShift website or GitHub repository.

Step 5: Customize Installation

Create an installation configuration file to customize your setup. This file defines parameters such as cluster size, networking, storage, and authentication. Refer to the documentation for guidance on creating this configuration file.

Step 6: Run the Installer

Execute the OpenShift installer using the configuration file you created:

./openshift-install create cluster --dir=<installation_directory>

The installation process may take some time as it sets up nodes, deploys services, and configures the cluster.

Step 7: Access Your OpenShift Console

Once the installation is complete, you’ll receive information about accessing the OpenShift console. This web-based interface allows you to manage your applications, services, and clusters.

Step 8: Explore and Experiment

Congratulations! You now have OpenShift up and running. Take some time to explore the console, create projects, and deploy applications. You can use built-in templates or create your own to get a feel for the platform’s capabilities.

Step 9: Learning Resources

As you delve deeper into OpenShift, leverage the wealth of learning resources available. The official OpenShift documentation, tutorials, online communities, and forums can provide valuable insights and troubleshooting assistance.


Installing OpenShift might seem like a daunting task, but with careful preparation and the right resources, you can have your platform operational in no time. By following these steps, you’re well on your way to experiencing the benefits of containerization, orchestration, and streamlined application development that OpenShift brings to the table. So go ahead, dive into the world of OpenShift, and unlock new possibilities for your software projects.

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